'Representing the Deafblind Community in Victoria'

Posts tagged ‘tech talk’

Tech talk – Speech to text

Hi everyone! For those who may not know me, my name is Michelle Stevens. I am the Policy and Grants Officer for DBV. Each month I hope to write an article on adaptive technology and answer your questions. I have used adaptive technology for many years. On my computer I use JAWS screen reader for Windows and a Focus 40 braille display. I also use an iPhone with a Focus 14 braille display.

Speech to text (STT) software is a computer program that converts words that are spoken aloud to text. SST is also known as dictation, or speech recognition. STT lets someone speak into your phone and shows their words as text. You can read the text as large print or braille.

It is easy to set up. One of the things I really like is that you can braille or type your response back to the shop keeper, or ask questions just like a conversation. You can save the conversation for later, which is a great way to take notes.

It is not possible to always have a commguide or interpreter with you. I have used STT on my phone in some short appointments. It does not replace an interpreter but can get you out of tricky situations.

Email for more information: dbvmichelle@gmail.com

Video of Michelle signing in Auslan about Speech to Text phone app

Newsletter edition 2 – Sep 2020

The second monthly DBV newsletter is out now! It has a new segment, Tech Talk by Michelle, and another Deafblind tip from Heather with a clever idea for knowing what colour your jeans are. There is also an exciting update about DBV and other news for the Deafblind community in Australia. You can download the newsletter by clicking here, or view on the website here.

The newsletter is edited by Trudy. If you want to contribute a story to the next newsletter, please get in touch. You can write in simple English or sign in Auslan and we will translate it. We would love to hear from any Deafblind person in Victoria who has something to share with our community!