Deafblind tips 17 – Custom made tactile embroidery

DBV member Andrew shares his new cap, embroidered with DBV logo with tactile braille dots!

Translation: Hi all, my name is Andrew Howard. I was shopping at Southland shopping centre and I found a shop that can print things onto clothes, towels and other items. I showed the man an image I found on a website, using my phone. He said I can send it to him by email or SMS. My idea was to get a tactile version of the DBV logo! Have a look at this.

[Andrew shows a dark baseball cap with the DBV logo and braille letters].

Later, he contacted me when it was ready for me to pick it up and check it out. I paid by tapping with my phone. It was $100.

Next, I might try other items like a beanie, t-shirt or other shirt, jacket or hoodie.

Lastly, I got a gift voucher [for sharing my Deafblind tip]. It will be perfect! Thank you, bye bye.

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